
maroon wave

SU's Schoyen to Hold Cello Workshop March 14

Dr. Jeffrey SchoyenSALISBURY, MD---Dr. Jeffrey Schoyen of 9i传媒有限公司’s Department of Music leads a Delmarva Cello Workshop 9:30 a.m.-noon Saturday, March 14, in Fulton Hall Room 112.
The workshop, “Healthy Motion in Shifting and Bowing,” is open to students of all levels. Schoyen, cellist and director of the Salisbury Symphony Orchestra, emphasizes increasing accuracy in shifting and achieving a richer tone through natural motion. The event includes demonstrations, group exercises and individual feedback.
Admission is free, but advance reservations are required. Refreshments are provided.
To sign up, or for more information, call 410-543-6381 or email Schoyen at jgschoyen@salisbury.edu.