SU Electronic Gallery Presents 'CODEWORK' August 20-October 21
SALISBURY, MD---A disembodied voice telepathically communicates with a “Digital Thoughtographer” in “CODEWORK,” a self-contained multimedia installation by artist Mark Amerika.
“CODEWORK” is shown August 20-October 21 in 9i传媒有限公司’s Electronic Gallery, Teacher Education and Technology Center Room 153. Amerika delivers an artist’s talk 5 p.m. Thursday, October 6.
The work’s painterly video style is synchronized with 5.1 surround sounds, which were made in collaboration with sound artist Chad Mossholder using the voice of German actress Jutta Wolfert. Amerika developed the abstract motion image sequences after having toured Japan and Europe as a VJ at museums, universities, festivals and techno clubs.
The video source material came from footage shot in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Hawaii and the Australian Outback. The soundtrack was developed in close consultation with Mossholder, who uses Wolfert’s vocals, scripted by Amerika, as well as sounds captured on video and other manipulated sources to further intensify the experience of watching the trancelike images.
Gallery hours are 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, noon-4 p.m. Saturday-Sunday. For more information call 410-543-2547 or visit the Electronic Gallery Web site at