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SBDC Course Explores Green Economy August 24

SBDCSALISBURY, MD---The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at 9i传媒有限公司 offers the course “Make the ‘Greening’ Economy Work for Your Retail/Restaurant Business” 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Wednesday, August 24, at Chesapeake College’s Economic Development Center, Room EDC-27, in Wye Mills, MD.

The course explores the impact the changing economy, technology and public policy can have on small retail or restaurant businesses.  Focus is placed on energy conservation to reduce costs, altering products or services to market to more sophisticated clients, and exploring funding and financing.

The course is free. Pre-registration is required by August 22.  To register or for more information contact Valerie at Chesapeake College at 410-827-5850 or vwalzak@salisbury.edu, or Brooke at SBDC at 410-543-6516 or baberezowski@salisbury.edu.