Help Your Student Succeed!
We are quite friendly, but a university library can be an intimidating place. It differs from a public library in many ways and is far more complex than a typical high school media center. Studies show that college students, especially first-year students, often turn to their parents or other family members for help with research and studying. To equip you to do the best job possible helping your student take advantage of the SU Libraries, we’ve created .
Students often think they would be disturbing us if they ask for help, which is far from the case – we WANT to help! While we won’t do their research for them, we will teach them how to do research. Please feel free to encourage your student to speak with a librarian or anyone at the Research Help Desk – it’s on the first floor of the Guerrieri Academic Commons near the café.
We would be delighted to have you visit the Libraries in person when you are on campus to see what we offer your student. During Family Weekend, we will be having tours of the Guerrieri Academic Commons (our library) and sessions about the Libraries for visiting family members on Saturday, October 19, at 9 a.m. and 10 a.m.