
Guerrieri Academic Commons arial view from front entrance.

From the Dean

Bea Hardy headshotAs I write this, the students are just back from Thanksgiving break. The tension level is rising in the Guerrieri Academic Commons, as students scramble to finish – or in some cases, start (but we in the library don’t judge) – their final papers or projects. I am always grateful at this point in the semester to not be a student myself. And, I am always grateful to our friends who donate funds to enable us to serve the students in various ways, including providing them with free hot beverages and snacks while they study frantically for finals.

In this issue, you’ll read about some of the other ways the Libraries support our students. The Nabb Center, our special collections unit, creates exhibits that not only are used by professors in various classes but that allow student workers and interns to explore potential careers as they help curate the exhibits and work with the collections. The Research Help Desk aids students in using our collections, helping them find appropriate sources and cite them properly. You also will find a profile of one of our student workers, Josh Dale, who is benefiting academically from his experience working in the Libraries. The Curriculum Resource Center collaborates with our education students and faculty in numerous ways, including through its role in the EnviroKids Literature Festival. Finally, you will read about the Libraries’ latest round of course enhancement grants, enabling faculty in departments across the University to partner with librarians and incorporate library services and collections more fully into their courses.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year!
Bea Hardy, Dean of Libraries and Instructional Resources