
shelving with artifacts in nabb center

Rent Roll

The Rent Roll is a list of the Somerset property owners and their patented lands for which rent was due the Proprietor in 1685. It was abstracted by John F. Polk, Ph.D. from the last 12 pages of the Jenckins Warrants Book. The list is compiled by owner and tract names of the properties owned, with size shown in acres.

By Page

Note: common spelling variations of certain surnames are noted in parentheses.

Fees Due for Alienation of Land 

Total fees due: 1513 pounds tobacco
(Fees assessed at one year’s annual rent)

Stephen Horsey: Hannahs Delight, 500 Ac from 5800, from Randall Revell*
Katherine Revell: Junior: Katherines Content, 500 Ac from 5800, from Randall Revell
Sarah Revell: Sarrahs Joy, 500 Ac from 5800, from Randall Revell
John Mallett (Marritt or Merritt): Warmington, 50 Ac, from Gilbert James
Dennis Sullivan: Hignets Choice, 300 Ac, from Robert Hignet
Edward Hamon: Sherbourne, 300 Ac, from Robert Hignet
John Evans: Pitchraft, 200 of 1000 Ac, from Henry Smith
Thomas Humphreys: Hopewell, 300 Ac, from William Keene
John Bowler: Monmouth, 300 Ac, from John(?) Hooke
John Bennet: Amitie, 100 Ac of 900, from William Furnise
Stephen Horsey: The Exchange, 240 Ac of 5800, from Randall Revell
John West: The Good Hopes, 165 Ac of 5800, from Randall Revell
George Wilson: Dukes Place, 150 Ac of Dixons Choice (900 Ac), from Robert Dukes
William Redelpher: Chance, 200 of 500 Ac, from Benjamin Cottman
James Trayne: Basham, 200 ac, from Samuel Cooper
William Laurance: 125 of 250 Ac (unnamed tract), from Joshua Light
Henry Leaton: Lumms Improvement, 200 of 250 Ac, from Levin Denwood & Roger Woolford
Levin Denwood: Lotts Wife, 108 Ac of The Lott (1000 Ac), from William Wright
Levin Denwood: Venture, 50 Ac, from William Wright
William Planner: Cheape Price, 200 of 500 Ac, from Thomas Price
John Goddin: Basing, 1050 Ac, from Matthew Scarbrough & John Cropper
Charles Ratliffe: Tanton, 300 Ac, part of Tanton Deane (600 Ac), from Thomas Selby
John Emett: Deane, 300 Ac, part of Tanton Deane (600 Ac), from Thomas Selby
Edmund Howard: Hignets Choice, 300 Ac, from Dennis Sulivan
John Richins: Sawsers Lott, 50 Ac, from Benjamin Sawser
William Noble: Tositer, 150 Ac, from William Bradshaw
John Walton: 133.3 Ac part of Sonns Choice (300 Ac), from Chritopher Manlove
John Mallet: Midfield, 200 Ac, from Henry Morgan
Peter Parsons: Spittlefield, 200 Ac part of Goddards Folly (800 Ac), from Richard Stevens
Lewis Knight: French Garden, 160 of 450 Ac, from Thomas Davis
Thomas Wilson: Turners Purchase, 130 Ac, from Isaac Warren

* 5800 Acre Tract Double Purchase, including 3000 acres of Arracoco, 1679 

Other Fines Due From Court Actions

Jane Talbott, wife of Richard Talbott, fine for bastardy - 400 lbs/tbco
Mary, servant of John Webb, fine for bastardy
Elizabeth Mackall, fine for bastardy - 500 lbs/tbco
    Thomas Jones, for suit vs John Pinke, 50 lbs/tbco
    Thomas Jones, for not presenting two actions vs. Edward Watkins - 100 lbs/tbco
    Leonard Jones, for being cast ad (sic) Joseph Purnall - 50 lbs/tbco

Total Fines =  1100 pounds tobacco

Summary of Collections Due Proprietor 

Somerset County 1685

Totals of each respective page of the Rents and fines for Lands alienated (and) fines for Misdemeaners and Provincial amerciaments

Brought from Page (1) 6448
Brought from Page (2) 3757
Brought from Page (3) 4964
Brought from Page (4) 3152
Brought from Page (5) 3783
Brought from Page (6) 3064
Brought from Page (7) 3134
Brought from Page (8) 4167
Brought from Page (9) 5900
Brought from Page (10) 5018
Brought from Page (11) 1513
Brought from Page (12) 1100
by Samuel Coopers bill for Edwd Sidbury 0200  
Total Sum = 46200