
Guerrieri Academic Commons arial view from front entrance.

Information Literacy Partner of the Month

February/March 2018

Congratulations to Dr. Emin Lelić of the History Department, who is the SU Libraries’ Information Literacy Partner of the Month for February-March.  This is what Ian Post, University Archivist and Special Collections Librarian and liaison to History, wrote in nominating him:

Dr. Lelic has been enthusiastic about having his two sections of HIST 102 incorporate both the use of Nabb Center Special Collections and research instruction sessions into a semester-long documentary project. His students visited the Nabb Center early in the semester to learn about primary sources and, for most of the students, it was their first time engaging with historic documents. The students formed small groups and chose the collections they connected most with to be the focus of their 8-10 minute documentary. Three weeks later and after proposing the broader history they’d explore in the documentary, we met in one of the computer labs to learn how to discover the library’s sources and cite them in Proquest RefWorks before their annotated bibliographies were due. At the end of the semester, the students will showcase their documentaries in the Nabb Center classroom. This is a great example of the opportunities for collaboration available in the Nabb Center!
Ian Post University Archivist and Special Collections Librarian

It is for this willingness to creatively work with archivists and librarians to help students engage with original sources that we have chosen Dr. Lelić as the SU Libraries’ Information Literacy Partner of the Month for February-March.

In addition to recognizing Dr. Lelić on the SU Libraries’ website and social media, we also will purchase a book in a field of his choice to be added to the Libraries’ collection in his honor.