
Guerrieri Academic Commons arial view from front entrance.

Information Literacy Partner of the Month

September/October 2015

Congratulations to Professor Adriana Rangel, the coordinator of the SU Respiratory Therapy program at the Universities at Shady Grove, who is the SU Libraries’ Information Literacy Partner of the Month for September-October. Mou Chakraborty nominated her, noting:

Adriana invites me to do an in-person orientation at Shady Grove and shares my information with students, including putting up posters with my contact information on the wall in her USG classroom! Often distance students feel disconnected from the main campus; seeing a “real person” who is “their librarian” eases the barrier. She has gladly administered our distance students’ survey in Shady Grove. I’m thankful to Adriana for promoting library services and me as the librarian liaison to the students.
Adriana epitomizes faculty-librarian collaboration; distance has never been an issue for our collaboration. We email, talk over the phone, meet as needed when she’s in Salisbury, and have also Skyped. I’ve been embedded in her courses on MyClasses and she has a dedicated ‘Ask Mou’ thread for me in the Discussions section. In true collegial manner, Adriana has reached out to me for library instruction in her courses, and I have done several library IL sessions via IVN. Adriana has been very receptive to new ideas for assignments and hasn’t been reluctant to try out different things. In her previous courses, students have done library-related quizzes and worksheets on evaluating health-related websites. Most recently, she and I collaborated on developing one of her assignments for her pharmacology course. I had planted the idea of students using Glog as an interactive educational class tool. Adriana adopted it and effectively used it in her class. She created one herself and is having the students create individual ones for their drugs based on the drug database I taught in her class. After creating the outline for the assignment and the rubric, she sought my feedback. We both are very excited about this course and looking forward to how it pans out.
Adriana is a pleasure to work with. I have been very fortunate that we have a site coordinator in Shady Grove who takes an active interest in students’ lifelong learning and is always willing to collaborate with the library.
Mou Chakraborty Director of Distance Library Services

It is for this willingness to creatively work with librarians to help her students develop a strong foundation of research skills that we have chosen Professor Rangel as the SU Libraries’ Information Literacy Partner of the Month for September-October.

In addition to recognizing Professor Rangel on the SU Libraries’ website and social media, we also will purchase a book in her field of study to be added to the Libraries’ collection in her honor.