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Information Literacy Partner of the Month

March 2015

Congratulations to Dr. Loren Marquez, Associate Professor of English, who is the SU Libraries’ Information Literacy Partner of the Month for March. James Parrigin nominated her, noting:

Although I have only had an opportunity to work with Dr. Marquez and the ENGL 103 instructors for a short time, I genuinely appreciate their hard work to introduce students to basic research skills and familiarization with the academic library. During the research component of the course, students encounter the program’s sequence of thoughtfully-crafted research assignments; in completing this work, I believe that students develop some of the very building blocks that they will need to become information literate. Dr. Marquez also collaborates with the library to ensure that ENGL 103 students receive supplemental instruction from research librarians each semester as they begin to engage research assignments. In the Fall 2014 semester alone, 28 sections of ENGL 103 met with librarians to learn basic research skills (568 students!). I am excited to continue to work with Dr. Marquez and all those affiliated with ENGL 103 in years to come.
James Parrigin Coordinator of Library Instruction

It is for this willingness to work with librarians to teach students how to find and use information effectively that we have chosen Dr. Loren Marquez as the SU Libraries’ Information Literacy Partner of the Month for March. 

In addition to recognizing Dr. Marquez on the SU Libraries’ website and social media, we also will purchase a book in her field of study to be added to the Libraries’ collection in her honor.