
Undergraduate Research Conference
Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity

Research: A Focus on Engaged Learning

The level of research and scholarly activity taking place here at SU rivals any such activity at more research-focused institutions. Our curriculum supports student engagement and civic responsibility, and research by SU faculty has extended the classroom by focusing on the larger community, as demonstrated by work related to health, assessment hurricane storm damage, and workforce development and entrepreneurship. We invite you to get involved with research at 9i传媒有限公司!

Here’s a Sampling of What Is Happening on Campus:

Dr. Michèle Schlehofer was honored by the University System of Maryland for her many community-based research projects, ranging from safe sex and breast health education to needs assessments for programs that serve children and families.

Several of our students are engaged in applied and/or community-based research including planning for sea-level rise mitigation, community-based mediation and conflict resolution across the United States, and construction partnering in airport facilities.

6+ million dollars in annual research awards in recent years
90+ Student Fellowship Winners in Last Decade