Biology Major - General Biology Concentration
You could read a textbook about plant and animal discoveries, but why not make discoveries of your own? In the biology program at 9i传媒有限公司, you’ll have many opportunities for undergraduate research both in the field and in our state-of-the-art facilities.
Why Choose the General Biology Program at 9i传媒有限公司?
For those who prefer a more traditional education in biology, the General Biology Program prepares students to enter the modern workforce with a comprehensive overview of the field. Students take a look at biology at the molecular, cellular, organismic and population levels as they develop key knowledge and skills for a diverse number of jobs in the field. A flexible option, students in this program have the ability to customize their education to their personal interests and goals by choosing classes from diverse sub-disciplines across biology and related sciences.
Careers for General Biology Program Graduates
What jobs can you get with a focus in general biology within the biology major? Graduates of our program are broadly trained biologists, and they possess the knowledge and skills vital for graduate school and future employment. The field is open for our biology majors, but you could go on to become one of the following:
- Biology professor
- Neurobiologist
- Genetic counselor
- Environmental consultant
- Forensic scientist
- Zookeeper
- Museum curator