
9i传媒有限公司 students on campus

Goal 2: Inspire a Campus Culture of Inclusive Excellence, Support and Collaboration

The extraordinary ethnic and cultural diversity in American society and the broader world shape both our academic community and the curricula of the University. A diverse and inclusive campus community brings irreplaceable value to SU’s educational experience and work environment and strengthens the entire University. We strive to create a truly diverse and inclusive environment where we harness the richness of ideas, backgrounds and perspectives of the community to create student learning opportunities and value for the institution, today and into the future.

Through Goal 2, the University will develop and implement the components of a comprehensive diversity and inclusion plan. This includes the creation of a new Office of Diversity and Inclusion led by the University’s Chief Diversity Officer. This office will provide students, faculty and staff with educational opportunities informed by multiple points of view, life experiences, abilities, ethnicities, cultures and belief systems. The University values and cultivates learning not only among its students but also for faculty and staff as well. SU will continue to expand professional development opportunities, with an emphasis on face-to-face training, and create inclusive spaces that support networking, foster professional growth and inspire innovative ideas. By exploring ways to expand benefits, recognition and rewards programs, the institution hopes to improve the recruitment and retention of all faculty and staff and especially those from diverse backgrounds. Through the collection of these strategies, the institution hopes that all members of the campus community feel a sense of belonging and connection.

Objective 2.1 - Create, implement and maintain a holistic diversity and inclusive excellence plan through the establishment of an Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

  • Strategy 2.1.1. Support and advance the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, under the direction of the University’s Chief Diversity Officer, as part of a comprehensive pledge for developing a diverse University community and supporting an inclusive and equitable campus climate.
  • Strategy 2.1.2. Assess and enhance SU’s culture through a comprehensive campus climate study and utilize shared governance and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to prioritize and implement procedural, curricular and structural strategies, including face-to-face training, to address outcomes from the study.
  • Strategy 2.1.3. Expand and require ongoing professional development and training programs for students, faculty and staff that focus on developing a safe, informed and welcoming climate and culture built on equity and mutual respect for diversity and inclusion, striving to achieve 100% participation.
  • Strategy 2.1.4. Expand and require ongoing educational opportunities and training for students that support the development of an understanding of equity, anti-racist behavior, bystander response and diversity.
  • Strategy 2.1.5. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of resources, services and administrative processes in fostering a climate of inclusion.
  • Strategy 2.1.6. Promote transparency and enhance communication in real time through regular and multi-channel mechanisms that reach the entire campus and all of its constituencies.
  • Strategy 2.1.7. Maximize the use of more inclusive language in University policies, protocols, documents and publications to speak to and describe students, faculty and staff and their contexts.

Objective 2.2 - Enhance our faculty and staff recruitment strategies (see Goal 3 for student recruitment).

  • Strategy 2.2.1. Create a university-wide, multi-year initiative to hire and retain diverse faculty based on documented best practices.
  • Strategy 2.2.2. Develop and employ institution-level search, selection and hiring practices that more effectively diversify our applicant pools and ensure departmental policies are aligned with these and professional development opportunities exist to provide training.
  • Strategy 2.2.3. Create an inclusive and comprehensive onboarding process for new faculty and staff, including specific resources to assist with the acclimation and retention of our diverse faculty and staff.
  • Strategy 2.2.4. Implement a dual-career partner assistance hiring program, cluster hiring program and/or other hiring programs with a demonstrated record of increasing faculty and staff diversity.

Objective 2.3 - Review our professional development, recognition, benefits and compensation programs to improve retention of faculty and staff.

  • Strategy 2.3.1. Develop a more comprehensive rewards and recognition program to celebrate faculty and staff accomplishments in service, teaching, research, scholarship and creative activity.
  • Strategy 2.3.2. Evaluate the impact of developing and implementing additional employee benefits programs to boost morale and support a healthy work-life balance.
  • Strategy 2.3.3. Develop a plan to address issues of compensation and salary compression, including expanding and transparently communicating information about career pathways and ladders.
  • Strategy 2.3.4. Develop robust faculty and staff mentorship and leadership development programs, especially for underrepresented groups.
  • Strategy 2.3.5. Expand opportunities for interested faculty and staff to interact, collaborate and socialize with one another inside and outside work.

Objective 2.4 - Create and promote the use of welcoming and inclusive campus spaces aligned with the Facilities Master Plan.

  • Strategy 2.4.1. Enhance access to and circulation among campus spaces.
  • Strategy 2.4.2. Create additional housing options to meet the needs of contemporary students (e.g., apartment-style, family housing, graduate student housing, international student housing).
  • Strategy 2.4.3. Explore opportunities to expand multi-use facilities for various aspects of campus and community needs.
  • Strategy 2.4.4. Develop strategies to address pressing campus space needs such as the expansion of instructional space, including for the arts; office space for faculty and staff; wellness; and student housing.