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No program!North Carolina, U. of, WilmingtonNorthern Iowa, U. ofNASonoma State U.Southeast Missouri State U.SUNY, C. at OswegoSUNY, C. at PlattsburghSUNY, FredoniaAverage of PeersAverage (2-yr.) undergraduate"SU institution-specific indicatorsalumni Acceptance % of facultyRatio of Average HS Total state giving ratewith terminal degrees FTES to FTEFGPAappropriation/FTESNA - Data not availableNP - No programAdditional Notes:(1) Southeast Missouri State and University of Northern Iowa prefer the ACT exam over the SAT when considering admissions applications. ACT ranges were converted to SAT ranges.(2) Pass rates on teacher licensure exams are not comparable since teacher licensure laws vary from state to state. The examination used, the cut rates, and wherestudents are in their academic programs when they take the examination varies. The University of Northern Iowa requires passage of a licensure examination prior6to graduation so their pass rates will always be 100%.board of nursing Websites. All report on a testing period of one year, but the start and end dates of that annual report period varies. All, however, include part of 2008.(3) NCLEX-RN exam pass rates for University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth (MA), UNC-Wilmington (NC), Sonoma State (CA), Southeast Missouri State (MO), Bloomsburg University (PA), and SUNY-Plattsurgh were obtained from the respective statePeer Performance Data, 2010 1040 - 1220 930 - 1120 970 - 1160 910 - 1120 1010 - 1190 1050 - 1190 950 - 1140 960 - 1150 1080 - 1240 950 - 1150 990 - 1190 980 - 1165(4) Beginning with Fall 2009, some institutions have begun to report using the new Federal race/ethnicity categories. The calculation for Percentage of Minority Enrollment includes those who reported two or more races.Institutions using the new categories included Southeast Missouri State, the three SUNY institutions, Northern Iowa University, and UNC-Wilmington.Blue indicates a number added. <Red indicates a difference in number provided by USM and SU. 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