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ACT ranges were converted to SAT ranges.25th/75th %ileSAT Rank % minority of all undergraduates % Minority Rank(% African-American of all undergraduates% African-American Rank(Average (4-yr) second-yr. retention rateRetention Rate RankSix-year graduation rateGraduation Rate RankMinority Graduation Rate Rank'Six-year graduation rate all minorities*Six-year graduation rate African Americans%African-American Graduation Rate rank(Passing rate on teacher licensure exams2' teacher licensure passing rank&Passing rate in nursing licensing examNCLEX Passing RankAlumni giving rateAlumni Giving RankAcceptance rateAcceptance Rank"% of Faculty with terminal degreesFaculty Education RankRatio of FTES to FTEFFTES to FTEF Ratio RankAverage HS GPAGPA RankTotal State appropriation/FTESState Approp-riation RankAverage Overall ScoreOverall Performance RankNotes SAT 3rd QuartlRankSAT 1st QuartlAverage of Ranks No program.(3) NCLEX-RN exam pass rates for University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth (MA), UNC-Wilmington (NC), Sonoma State (CA), Humboldt State (CA) were obtained from the respective state board of nursing Websites. Pass rates for Northern Michigan and SUNY -Plattsburgh were not available in a comparable format.Licensure Rates - see notes 2 & 3; Retention Rate, Alumni Giving Rate, Acceptance Rate, Faculty w/ terminal degree, HSGPA - US News America's|{Best Colleges; FTES to FTEF - IPEDS Fall Staff & Fall Enrollment; Appropriation per FTES - IPEDS Fall Enrollment & Finance Sources: SAT - IPEDS Institutional Characteristics; % Minorities, % African-American - IPEDS Fall Enrollment; Graduation Rates - IPEDS GRS; %Note: Data links to hidden worksheet.940-1142(2) Pass rates on teacher licensure exams are not comparable since teacher licensure laws vary from state to state. The examination used, the cut rates, and where students are in their academic programs when they take the examination varies. Northern Michigan and Western Oregon Universities require passage of a licensure examination prior to graduation so their pass rates will always be 100%, while the State of Washington does not require a licensure examination at all.950-1150 1010-1190Bloomsburg U. of Penn.Millersville U. of Penn.Northern Iowa, U. ofSoutheast Missouri State U.SUNY, FredoniaWorksheet for SAT's, 2007Worksheet for SAT rank, 2008990-1190?1/21/09: Office of University Analysis, Reporting, & AssessmentA-34.0A-35.0 1040-1210930-1110960-1160960-1150 1070-1240920-1110 1040-1180955-1140979-1162A1/04/2010: Office of University Analysis, Reporting, & AssessmentPeer Performance Data, 2009ZE hF&GfHIyJ5KuKP hQ Q4 ccB   rYxyɞ  dMbP?_*+%# &333333?'?()\(?)?M\\salem\UA202C-HP4600? odXXLetter.HP Color LaserJet 4600 PCL 62xeQKkQ3&VZDC.BCڤi*A)E|?FAq_pҕ{PtF| ̜3j7]{MhY;$ e6@?@ # ~:?  %B # zG?  %B # > ףp=?  %B (  ? %$B # Mb? % B BBBBmnopqrrr!nnG !V" "I "EEOO#  #% #& #' #( #) #* #+ # , # - # .#V,$UUUT__VV %%Q?%@%%%/ L-%/@@B~ %T@%@%%/ L-%/@@B%߉HJ.@%?% %%/ L-%/@@B~ % @+% @% D%%%/@@B~ % @% $@5% %/ L-%/@@B% UUUT__VV &A~ &N@&@&%~ &U@&@& %&iqԵ3@&"@'%~ &t@+& @& D&%%/@@B~ & 8@& &@ % & UUUT__VV '~ 'P@' @'%~ 'T@'@' %'c=1@'@(%~ '@' "@) ' '/ L-%/@@B~ ' @' @7% ' UUUT__VV (B(= ףp=?(@(%~ (@W@(?( %( ?4@($@)% (( д@ ( "@8% ( UUUT__VV ))(\?)@)%~ )U@)@) %)]Y[3@)@*%~ ) w@) ?, ' ~ ) @) ? % ) UUUT__VV *C~ *T@*$@*%~ *Q@*&@* %*VT^%`1@*@+%~ * @* @ ' ~ * @* @:% * UUUT__VV + ~ +@R@+"@+ %~ +V@+@ %+ֻU5@+&@,%~ +`s@+ @* ' ~ + F@+ @;% + UUUT__VV ,D~ ,V@,&@,%~ ,S@,$@, %,ԐO3@, @-%~ ,t@, @- ' ~ , ʵ@, @<% , UUUT__VV - ~ -?-@-%~ -T@-@- %-[?"H3@-@.%~ -t@- @. 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