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Fall 2010 2% minorities of all undergraduatesIPEDS Peer Analysis Website Fall Enrollment surveyMinorities include African-American, Asian, Hispanic, & Native American, but do not include Nonresident Alien or Unknown Race.Fall 2010  3% African-American of all undergraduatesIPEDS Peer Analysis Website Fall Enrollment surveySelf-explanatoryFall 2010  4Average second-year retention rateNCES, IPEDS Fall Enrollment- Retention Survey, Fall 2007-2009The percentage of first-year freshmen who returned to the same college or university the following fall, averaged over the first-year classes entering between 2007-2009 Fall 2007-2009 data for all USM institutions  5Six-year graduation rateNCES, Peer Analysis Data System, 2010Graduation Rate Survey. Use Bachelors institutions instead of 4-yr institutions.Six-year graduation rate, 2004 cohort (Sum of students graduating in 4 years, 5 years and 6 years/adjusted cohort).2010 (2004 cohort) for all USM institutions  6Six-year graduation rate: all minoritiesNCES, Peer Analysis Data System, 2010Graduation Rate Survey. Minorities include African-American, Asian, Hispanic, & Native American, but do not include Nonresident Alien or Unknown Race. (Sum of minority students graduating in 4 years, 5 years and 6 years/adjusted minority cohort) 2010 (2004 cohort) for all USM institutions  7Six-year graduation rate: African-AmericansNCES, Peer Analysis Data System, 2010 Graduation Rate Survey. Self-explanatory. (Sum of African-American students graduating in 4 years, 5 years and 6 years/adjusted African-American cohort)2010 (2004 cohort) for all USM institutions  8Passing rate on teacher licensure examsTitle II website, State Report 2010 for individual states ( HYPERLINK "https://title2.ed.gov" https://title2.ed.gov)Summary pass rates of traditional route are reported. These are defined as the proportion of program completers who passed all tests they took for their areas of specialization among those who took one or more tests in their specialization areas (basic skills; professional knowledge & pedagogy; academic content areas; teaching special populations; other content areas; and performance assessments). An individual is counted as a pass in the summary rate if they pass all required tests for any area in which they were prepared.2008-2009 test takers 9Passing rate in nursing licensing examPeer institutionsNumber of baccalaureate level nursing graduates taking the NCLEX examination in FY 10 who pass on the first attempt divided by the number of baccalaureate level nursing graduates taking the exam for the first time in FY 10. FY 2010 test takers10Passing rates in other licensure exams10aLaw Bar examinationLaw School admission Council website, 8/2011Percentage of 2009 graduates who took the bar examination for the first time in Summer 2009 and Winter 2010 and passed on their first attempt. Pass rates are reported only for the jurisdiction in which the school had the largest number of first-time takers.2009 graduates10bPharmacy Licensure examinationPeer institutionsNumber of pharmacy graduates in the Class of 2010who passed the NAPLEX on the first attempt divided by number of graduates who took the exam.2010 graduates10cSocial Work Licensure examinationPeer institutionsFor UMB: number of MSW graduates who passed the Licensed Graduate Social Work Exam in 2009 divided by number of graduates who took the exam. For FSU: number of BSW graduates in the calendar year 2009 who passed the LCSW examination on the first attempt divided by number of graduates who took the exam.2009 graduates 10dDentistry ExaminationPeer institutionsNumber of DDS graduates in the Class of 2010 who pass their respective regional dental examination by December 31, 2010 divided by number of graduates from Dental School Class of 2010.2010 graduates10eMedical ExaminationPeer institutionsNumber who pass the 2010 USMLE Step II on first attempt divided by number of examinees from the School of Medicine.Class of 201011Average undergraduate alumni giving rateU.S. News & World Report, Americas Best Colleges, 2011 edition (UMCP data from 2012 edition). If data unavailable from U.S. News, source used: Council for Aid to Education, 2010 Voluntary Support of Education, 2011. Average percent of undergraduate alumni of record who donated money to the institution. Alumni of record are former full- or part-time students with an undergraduate degree for whom the institution has a current address. Undergraduate alumni donors made one or more gifts for either current operations or capital expenses during the specified academic year. The alumni giving rate is the number of appropriate donors during a given year divided by the number of appropriate alumni of record. The rates were averaged for 2008 and 2009. UMCP data from 2009 and 2010.2008 & 2009average 2009 & 2010 average for UMCP.12Total R&D expendituresNational Science Foundation; UMCP data from AAUDE.Expenditures on R&D from federal, state, industry, institutional & other sources. Excludes expenditures in medical science for institutions other than UMBI & UMCES. UMB figures include R&D expenditures only in medical science. UMCP also excludes expenditures in the non-science & engineering disciplines.FY2009 FY2010 data for UMCP13Total R&D expenditures per full-time facultyNational Science Foundation (R&D $); AAUP, Faculty Salary Survey (faculty counts) or IPEDS (faculty counts for UMES); AAMC (for medical faculty for UMB & peers). AAUDE data for UMCP.Expenditures on R&D from federal, state, industry, institutional & other sources per full-time instructional faculty member at the ranks of professor, associate & assistant professor. Excludes expenditures in medical science for institutions other than UMBI & UMCES. UMB figures are R&D expenditures only in medical science. UMCP also excludes expenditures in the non-science & engineering disciplines. Faculty are full-time, non-medical instructional faculty from AAUP for institutions other than UMB. For UMB and peers, faculty are full-time medical faculty whose assignments are for instruction or research. For UMB, faculty counts are taken from AAMC figures.FY2009 FY2010 data for UMCP 14Average annual % growth (5-yr.) in federal R&D expendituresNational Science Foundation; UMCP data from AAUDEAverage annual growth rate in federally financed R&D expenditures over the 5-year period from FY2004 through FY2009. Excludes federally financed expenditures in medical science for institutions other than UMB. UMB figures include federally financed R&D expenditures only in medical science. UMCP also excludes expenditures in the non-science & engineering disciplines.FY2004 FY2009 FY2005-FY2010 for UMCP15Number of faculty awards per 100 faculty (5 yrs.)USM data base (built from national publications and databases) & AAUPThe total number of awards per 100 full-time instructional faculty at the ranks of professor, associate & assistant professor over the 5-year period from 2007through 2011. Awards counted: Fulbrights, Guggenheims, NEH fellowships, CAREER (Young Investigator) awards, Sloan fellowships. Faculty are full-time, non-medical instructional faculty from most recent AAUP counts.2007 201116Institution-specific measures Q:\PERFORMANCE\2010\MEASURESDEFIN10.DOC, 09-06-11     PAGE 1 PAGE 4 024679}  ! 6 N ^ ` e v üvpg^U^ph?h?CJh?hACJhWhACJ hACJhCvhsOCJhCvhnCJhCvhDXkCJhCvhtCJhCvhZ&CJ hCJhCvhxCJH*hCvhxCJ hCvhxhCvhx5:CJhOJQJaJhCvhOJQJaJhCvh\OOJQJaJhCvhxOJQJaJ 789:BVm}$If$a$}~ SMMD;D $IfgdA $Ifgd$Ifkd$$Ifl4rH,p5.054 la 0 6 M O Q { Z ] ^ _ b c e j m n o s t x ڹڹ˹˹ڰ˹ژڑhCvh-CJhCvh>ECJ hCvhxhCvhCJhCvhGHCJ hpNCJhCvhpNCJhCvh3CJhCvh0dtCJ hCJhCvhCJhCvhxCJhCvhl CJhCvhZ&CJhCvhZ&CJH*1  I TNNENEE $Ifgd0dt$Ifkd$$IflrH,p5.054 la  7 H R KEEEEE$Ifkd$$IflrH,p5.054 la $Ifgd0dtR S T X { Nkd$$IflrH,p5.054 la$If d e EkdS$$IflrH,p5.054 la$If $Ifgd + $IfgdDXk $Ifgd $Ifgd\$If$If *EHIJPR "#$+D9;=>?ᷮ꥞ۥ᥌᥌䱹ECJ hCJhCvhCJhCvhxCJHhjFh\CJ79TNH?NN $Ifgd$If$Ifkd'$$IflrH,p5.054 laEFGHLxKEE$Ifkd$$IflrH,p5.054 la $IfgdYE/x9efg $IfgdYE/ $Ifgdt$If $Ifgdghl  6TNNE<E $IfgdW $Ifgd$Ifkd$$IflrH,p5.054 lah|    4@ "$%')*5t~;圓xxqjqjfh hCvhO/ hCvhxhCvh;CJhCvhtCJhCvhECCJhWh8PmCJhWh'~CJhHhH0JB*CJphhHhH>*CJjhHhH>*CJUhHhCJ hCJhCvhCJhCvh8PmCJhCvhCJhCvhxCJ(67;btTUTNNNH? $Ifgd K$If$Ifkd$$IflrH,p5.054 la'()*-6PRSTUXZ\]h69:;?FHJKVXZWY[\׿ȿ򤞤򎊎hpN hCvhpNhCvhCJ hpNCJhCvhpNCJhCvhCJhCvhCJhCvhxCJ hCJhCvhCJhCvhO/CJh hCvh K hCvhO/ hCvhx hCvh6UijmKEEEEE$Ifkdw$$IflrH,p5.054 la $IfgdTNNE<< $IfgdpN $Ifgd$IfkdK$$IflrH,p5.054 la)TNHH?6 $IfgdpN $IfgdpN$If$Ifkd $$IflrH,p5.054 la0?TNHHH?N $Ifgd+$If$Ifkd $$IflrH,p5.054 la\0345>G$&(*,./>z|~HJLMTUVehijqrtƹ޹ާاhCvh CJhCvh'5CJhCvh~CJhCvhGHCJh9hCvhxCJhCvh"GCJ h+CJhCvh+CJh+ hCvh+ hCvh#Y hCvhx>?@ABCG_qNHH$Ifkd $$IflrH,p5.054 la$Ifq*9:><66$If$Ifkd $$IflrH,p5.054 la $Ifgd+ $Ifgd+fB<<$Ifkdo $$IflrH,p5.054 la $Ifgd+ $Ifgd+ +>?@A`W $Ifgd+G$Eƀ"ɆIf $Ifgd'5$IfG$EƀIf   !%')*+./0256=ILMNPRTUfkLY !!"1"4"輲詣ߑߚhCvh]CJhCvh0 CJ h9CJhCvh9CJhCvh~6CJhCvhx6CJhCvh |CJ hCvhxhCvh\6CJhCvh~CJhCvhxCJ h+CJhCvh+CJ9ABCDEFGHIg $Ifgd+$If ghkTNHNNNNN$If$IfkdC $$IflrH,p5.054 la  7 #Ekd$$IflrH,p5.054 la $Ifgd+$If4""########## $$$ $~$$$$$$$,%C%D%E%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%;&&&&&&&컴Ԑڐ쇁 h9CJhCvh9CJhCvh5NCJhCvh~6 hCvh~hCvhx6h+ hCvh+ hCvhxhCvh]CJhCvh~CJ h+CJhCvh+CJhCvhsCJhCvhxCJhCvh~6CJ2############$If #### $%%%TNNNENN $Ifgd+$Ifkd$$IflrH,p5.054 la%%%%%%%%Ekd$$IflrH,p5.054 la $Ifgd+$If%%;&''''6kd$$IflrH,p5.054 la $Ifgd+ $Ifgd9$If$If&''''''''''''( (((((((((((!("($(%('(((*(+(1(2(3(4(5(7(8(>(?(@(A(B(D(E(F(ƾƷh\0JmHnHuhWhW0JmHnHu hW0JjhW0JUh]jh]U hCvh+h+hc hCvhCvhCvh\OCJhCvh 4CJhCvh[CJ h+CJhCvh+CJhCvhxCJ/'''''''''Nkdg$$IflrH,p5.054 la$If''''''( (!(NLLLLLkd;$$IflrH,p5.054 la$If!(#($(&('()(*(5(6(7(B(C(D(E(F(h]h&`#$8 0&P0:p}= /!"#8$% $$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l4055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554$$If!vh5.5555#v.#v#v#v#v:V l055.55554^ 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH <`< NormalCJ_HmH sH tH D@D  Heading 1$$@&a$ 6>*CJDA`D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List \$\ Envelope Address!@ &+D/^@ >%@> Envelope ReturnCJ6>@6 Title$a$ 5:CJ4@"4 Header  !4 24 Footer  !.)@A. 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