
9i传媒有限公司 students on campus

Intellectual Wellness

Intellectual Wellness is about stimulating your innate desire for learning and growth.

Intellectual Wellness is...

  • activities that stimulate mental acuity and creativity. There are a variety of ways you can stay sharp while expanding your brain's capacity for skill development (physical practice, binaural beats, meditation, reading, tackling challenging problems creatively, art, proper sleep and nutrition).
  • encompassing the ability to share knowledge and learn about cultural and lifestyle differences.
  • necessitating mental receptivity.
  • about developing personal interests and making continual accretion of knowledge a lifelong mission.
  • encouraging personal creativity and embrace of mental challenges.
  • ease of mind in the sense that thinking does not overpower all other senses. Being in your head with constant thought can cause nervousness and dis-ease in other areas of wellness, not mention take you out of the present moment.

Tips for Improving Intellectual Wellness

  • Observe your thoughts. Practice watching from an objective view. You will learn your destructive patterns and be more equipped to make changes.
  • If you're feeling drained or dull notice if this is stemming from lack of intellectual challenges. If so, start reading! Read about anything you like. Seek information in whatever method makes sense to you. An easy way to spark intellectual fulfillment is to stay on top of your school-work.
  • Go somewhere you’ve never been and examine your surroundings. This stranger point of view will heighten your awareness and force you to be clear of mind (because you are being forced to be receptive)
  • Be curious!!!


  • Blackwell Library- The 9i传媒有限公司 Library has many services and a variety of equipment to help Salisbury students in their academic pursuits.
  • Undergraduate Research- 9i传媒有限公司 is at the forefront of an ongoing attempt to have undergraduate and graduate students involved in cutting-edge scientific and professional research. The experiences of working closely with colleagues in a research group help students gain needed experience and discipline as they become professionals.