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First-Gen Sea Gull Scholars Program

First-Gen College Student LogoThe motivation behind First-Gen Sea Gull Scholars (FGSGS) was the President Dr. Carolyn Ringer Lepre’s commitment to supporting students from diverse backgrounds to ensure their success and sense of belonging at Salisbury. The First Generation student population is a melting pot of social identities including, but not limited to students from different races, genders, socioeconomic statuses, and more. FGSGS in its initial stages will focus on the recruitment and retention of undergraduate students. We believe that our programmatic offerings and resources for this population will ensure that we develop a working model that meets our campus needs.

Program Goals

FGSGS program goal is to demonstrate that students who actively participate in this program will:

  • Have higher GPAs
  • Increased sense of belonging
  • Higher retention rates from first to second year
  • Higher participation in/usage of campus resources
  • Have higher graduation rates

Participate with us:

Questions: Email first-gengulls@salisbury.edu or follow us on Instagram @first_gen_su