
shelving in support services building

PIC Operations

PIC stands for Physical Inventory Control


Work Order Requests

Procedures for Event Support/Set-up

Your event will only be as successful as the planning and participation of the sponsoring staff puts into it. We suggest that the person coordinating the event do a walk-through of the event site before prior to the event set-up with a staff member from Support Services.

  1. Contact persons name and phone #
  2. Date of event
  3. Location of event (Building & Room #)
  4. Start time of event
  5. Name of event
  6. Date/time the event will conclude
  7. List if items needed to be set-up

Procedures to Remove/Transfer/Dispose of Property

Departments requesting equipment and/or furniture to be moved/relocated or disposal of from their department should provide the following information on the Work Order:

  1. Contact persons name and phone #
  2. Building and Room # to pick up from
  3. Reason for removing from inventory
  4. Quantity (How many items?)
  5. Items complete description (color, size, etc.)
  6. Statement of the condition of item and if it is operational (Excellent, 7. Good, Fair, Poor, Does not work, Obsolete, Torn, Broken, etc)
  7. SU Tag # and/or serial #
  8. Make and/or model
  9. And a clear statement that the department wants the item removed from their inventory to University Surplus.

Procedures to Request the Transfer of Surplus Property

Please feel free to visit the Support Services Building to view items that are in surplus or call ext. 36210 to see if we have what you need in surplus. All items are on a first come first serve basis. Once identified, please send a Work Order with all of the following information:

  1. Contact persons name and phone #
  2. Quantity of items
  3. Item description (color, size, etc)
  4. Condition of the item (Excellent, Good, Fair, etc)
  5. SU Tag # and/or serial #
  6. Make and/or Model #
  7. Indicated that it is being transferred from Surplus to XX, Room # (Building code and room #)

General Moves of Offices or items within your Office, Department or Building and Large Moves of Offices/Departments

Departments needing the help of the Support Services to move equipment or furniture as in rearranging furniture or offices, moving boxes, etc. must send a Work Order request to Support Services to the attention of Angie Walston in order to schedule this support.