General ProCard Information
Purchases must be for the use and benefit of SU
SU purchasing card is used for the purchase of goods and services up to $5,000. To apply, please start the process by contacting Vicki McGinnis.
SU Purchasing Card
Appropriate Uses for Purchasing Card
- Subscriptions
- Conference & Seminar Registration Fees with approval of University's Travel Coordinator
- Books and Classroom Supplies
- Retail Store Purchases
- State and USM Contract Purchases
Prohibited Uses for Purchasing Card
- Personal Purchases (Anything for an employee’s personal use is prohibited)
- Retirement and Bereavement cards/gifts
- Coffee pots, creamer, sugar for personal use
- Fans
- Tissues and personal care items (for personal use)
- Kitchenware
- Airfare
- Travel or Restaurants
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Computer Equipment/Software without approval of IT Director
- Telecommunications Equipment
- Cash Advances
- Consultants and Speakers Fees/Honorariums (Person or Vendors using SS# rather than FEID#)
- Donations
- Entertainment Costs
- Food or Meals
- Furniture
- Gifts
- Interest/Finance Charges/Surcharge added for credit card use (Fees are allowed up to 4%)
Paper Products that will continue to be available from Creative Services and Brand
Strategy at . If you have a standalone printer, please order recycled
paper (MD Green Purchasing Requirement, COMAR via the Workday punch out catalog
with RGH Office Supplies as part of desktop delivery.
Why Use a Purchasing Card?
- Saves Time
- Gives Campus Flexibility
- Vendors Paid in 3 Days
- Major Cost Avoidance for State-Issued Checks
- University Allows to be Used up to $5,000
- Submitting a requisition in Workday in not needed
How Does the SU Purchasing Card Work?
- Much like Personal Credit Card
- Monthly bank statement available for download from bank. Contact Vicki McGinnis for more info.
- State Pays Bank Automatically
- Purchase Allocated to approved department via Verify Procurement Card Transactions in