ࡱ> 574O rbjbj 4"eed 8S$w9$!F0oF}(  09w"Aw"w"0"9w" : SALISBURY UNIVERSITY SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION VENDOR NAME: _________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ AMOUNT OF REQUISITION: $_____________________________ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX WHY IS NO OTHER PRODUCT OR SERVICE SUITABLE OR ACCEPTABLE TO MEET THIS NEED? This question addresses why only this particular product or service will meet your needs. The unique characteristics of the purchase should be identified and explained. Simply possessing unique features is not enough. Please provide justification as to why these characteristics are necessary to your Department. Including details on the process that you followed will assist the Procurement Office in determine the validity of your request. WHY IS NO OTHER CONTRACTOR/VENDOR SUITABLE OR ACCEPTABLE FOR THIS PROCUREMENT? This question addresses why the order has to be placed with a particular vendor. A letter from the manufacturer stating that they sell direct and do not go through distributors typically satisfies this question. WHAT WOULD THE RESULT BE IF THIS PRODUCT OR SERVICE IS NOT OBTAINED OR BECOMES UNAVAILABLE? Please provide as much detail as possible. 4. IS PRICE FAIR AND REASONABLE? This is a yes or no question. Regardless of the procurement method used (Sole Source, competitive solicitation, etc), the University is still legally obligated to determine that the price is fair and reasonable. 5. IF YES, HOW WAS DETERMINATION MADE IN REGARD TO FAIRNESS OF PRICE? A detailed explanation as to how you determined this must be included. For reference you should consult the Maryland Board of Public Works Advisory 2016-1 on Fair and Reasonable Contract Pricing ( HYPERLINK "http://bpw.maryland.gov/Pages/adv-2016-1.aspx" http://bpw.maryland.gov/Pages/adv-2016-1.aspx). This Advisory provides several price analysis tools to help you answer this question. 6. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR CLARIFICATION Include any information that you feel will assist the Procurement Office in the decision making process. Requestor Signature This form should be signed and submitted to the Procurement Office along with the Requisition, quote and any supporting information that is referenced in your answers. There is an additional step to the Sole Source process. The Procurement Office must determine that the information provided is accurate and make a determination if the purchase is in fact a true Sole Source. 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