
budget/inventory office door

Operating Expenditures and Budgeting

Faculty Start-Up Expenses

At times, start-up expenses are negotiated in a faculty employment contract. This should be approved by the Dean and Provost prior to the offer being made for these expenses. If this has occurred in your department, you can record the amount agreed upon in the appropriate section of your budget template and make a note of it on the expense line. In most cases, these are for lab equipment which you record in the Object 11 - Additional Equipment section of your budget template.

Moving Expenses

At times, moving expense reimbursements are negotiated in a faculty or staff employment contract. This should be approved by the Dean and Provost prior to the offer being made for this reimbursement. If this has occurred in your department, you can record the amount agreed upon in the out of state travel section of your budget template and make a note of it on the expense line.

Faculty Professional Development Funds

Professional Development funds are allocated from the Provost to allow each Full Time Faculty member (regardless of tenure status) the ability to spend $500 each year on expenses to enhance their professional development. These funds can be used towards travel, conference registrations, IT or Lab Equipment purchases, association dues, subscriptions, periodicals/supplies, registration fees, etc. The Provost allows for a one year carryforward of these funds so that up to $1,000 can be combined to make a larger item purchase or apply towards a conference.

For purposes of recording these planned expenditures in your budget submission, you can either request each faculty member to supply you with their “intent” on spending their funds in the following year so that you can budget in the appropriate expense accounts or choose to budget the entire amount into one account if a breakout is not able to be obtained.

The Provost requests that each department complete the Professional Development and Travel Expenditures Form and submit to your Dean to review and then send to the Provost Office no later than 60 days after the end of each semester to show how each faculty member has spent the allotted funds.

PLEASE NOTE: These funds may NOT be shared with other faculty members. It is intended to provide funding for each individual and not to be combined.


Search Expenses

All search-related expenses will be incurred in the department for which the incumbent is hired. There are no longer department codes specifically for faculty search expenses. For faculty searches, no more than 10% of the prior incumbent’s salary should be budgeted for search expenses. A list of the primary search expenses to budget is as follows:

Food Expenses

Food purchases (both on and off campus) for all meetings and events should only be charged to a department code beginning with a 17xxxx, 3xxxxx, or 9xxxxx unless there are special circumstances like job searches and academic accreditation. Project codes can have food expenses if they are allowed by the grantor. Each School and Administrative Division have a Special Events department code (360xxx) to cover food expenses. Approval should be obtained from the BA.

Food purchases (essentially per diems) related to out-of-state travel are usually charged to your department code.

No Alcohol can be charged to any department within the University. Foundation funds must be used for this reimbursement and upon approval of the Budget Administrator.

Classroom Furniture

Typically, the purchase of all classroom furniture is now budgeted within a Support Services department code.

Computer Purchases

Online Database and Journal Subscriptions

Electronic resources, such as databases and online journals, need to be ordered by and included in the budget of the SU Libraries to ensure compliance with all applicable USM and state policies and to make sure that access is available to all SU students, faculty, and staff. Requests for databases and online journals should be submitted to the Dean of Libraries. The Libraries will conduct a review of all requests early in each spring semester and solicit feedback. The Libraries will establish a priority list for acquisition or licensing based on cost, feedback, needs, the availability of alternative sources of similar information, and the equitable provision of resources to meet the needs of all academic programs. Departments should not budget for or subscribe to databases and online journals on their own.

Internal Sponsorship of Campus Events

Budget Administrators should record the full anticipated expenses of all events they plan to hold. In prior years, BA’s would request funding from the Deans and other departments to “support” an event they wish to bring to campus. No longer should the funds be moved between departments for this type of request.