
budget/inventory office door

Internal Service Charges


Beginning with the FY18 budget, telephone lines will be charged directly to all departments and projects using them. All campus telephones (analog, digital or VoIP) will be charged quarterly for a line (projected to be about $51 per line) that includes usage (local, long distance and international).

Telecommunications (TC) will provide departments a list of all lines for their review during February. Lines are listed as analog, digital or virtual). Any telephone lines indicated as “virtual” are at no cost and therefore not charged the per line rate.

TC will determine the next year’s annual line charge based on this review and the Budget Office will communicate the per line costs to departments to prepare their budgets.

At the beginning of each quarter, Telecommunications via Accounting will the costs for each department’s telephone lines. Services that were active at any time during the quarter is charged the full rate. If any lines are deleted during the quarter, they are not charged. Departments will be required to submit the department code on all future telecommunication works orders.


Beginning with the FY18 budgeting process, certain postage charges will be charged directly to the department’s budget code. When preparing your budget, you can contact the Budget Office to obtain a history of past expenses for your departments that weren’t charged to your budgets directly in the past. Because some of this detail has not been maintained at the department level, departments may need to estimate the cost for FY18. The Budget Office will provide assistance.

Motor Pool

Beginning with the FY18 budget, motor pool usage will be charged directly to departments. Motor pool reservations are made and approved electronically in GullNet. The department or project code entered in GullNet will be charged as follows:

Cars: $ .25/mile per car per trip whether travelling in-state or out-of-state
Vans without driver: $ .25/mile for in-state and $ .55/mile for out-of-state travel per van per trip
Vans with driver: $.55/mile and a charge for the driver labor (currently $14.43/hour)
Buses with driver: $1.25/mile and a charge for the driver labor (currently $14.43/hour)

On a monthly basis, Accounting runs a process in GullNet that captures all cost activity since the last process was run and posts a journal (MPxxxxxx) that charges all departments and projects. Financial Services also mails a monthly Motor Pool report that provides trip details that comprise the total monthly cost.

Support Services

Support Services maintains an inventory of certain items (e.g., janitorial, maintenance, Canon paper, etc.) that departments can request via work order. On a monthly basis, Accounting runs a monthly process that captures all completed Support Services’ work orders since the last monthly run and posts a journal (CSxxxxxx) charging departments and projects. Financial Services also mails a monthly Support Services report that provides some detail of the work orders that comprise the total monthly cost.

Physical Plant

Departments are not charged for building repair items. Departments are charged for new installation, renovation work, requests for support requiring overtime, and other requests if warranted by Physical Plant. Charges will be billed directly when possible through a requisition form being sent to procurement. (For example: ordering bulletin boards or materials for a project). When final costs are validated, departments will be billed.


For service over and above what Housekeeping normally provides, departments may be charged for labor and material that require overtime of staff.

Vehicle Accident Insurance Deductible

Beginning with FY18, when an employee is at fault in a motor vehicle accident with a State-owned vehicle, the State charges a $1,000 deductible to SU and the driver’s department will be charged. Budget will not be provided for this, so you may have to cut expenses elsewhere. If the accident is not the fault of the SU driver and if the State is able to obtain insurance proceeds, then SU is not charged the deductible. However; this process may take years to finalize, so a deductible charge may occur and then be refunded at a later date when the case is all complete. Based on the circumstances, SU may adjust a budget for the deductible.


Internal printing expenses can come from three areas – Copy Center, Publications and satellite Canon devices. Copy Center charges are incurred when larger print jobs are requested via work order to the Copy Center. If these jobs require graphic design work, then Publications will perform the work and charge accordingly (usually $5 – $25 per job). Canon charges will be incurred anytime those devices are used to create paper impressions. All printing charges should be posted to account 080400 (Printing).

Canon Printing Charges

Each Canon multi-functional device tracks the number of copies and prints by the copy code entered (for copies) or the department/project code that is assigned to each employee (for prints). Departments/projects are billed $.035 per impression. At month-end, Accounting runs a report each month end of impression counts and posts a journal (0000GAxxxx) that charges all departments and projects.

Event Charges