Qualifying and Non-Qualifying University Expenses
Qualified Tuition
Undergraduate Tuition - Resident and Non-Resident
Graduate Tuition - Resident and Non-Resident
Mandatory Fees
Athletic/Intramural Fee
Facilities Fee
Student Activities
Student Recreation Fee
Student Union Operation
Sustainability Fee
Technology Fee
Course Fees
Course fees may or may not qualify for the credit depending on the student's degree program. Golf Greens Fee is not a qualified expense, regardless of degree program. Fees for any course that involves sports, games, or hobby, unless the course is required in the student's degree program, are not qualified expenses.
Other Fees
Application Fee - applies only if paid during the taxable year in which qualified tuition and expenses are incurred.
Non-Qualifying Expenses
Room and Board
Any other personal, living, or family expenses regardless of whether the fees must be paid to 9i传媒有限公司 for the enrollment or attendance of the student such as: insurance of any kind, medical expenses and fees, transportation fees.
Other Non-Qualifying University Expenses
Application Fee
Late Payment Fee
Deferred Payment Fee
Late Registration Fee
Lost Gull Card Card Fee
Meal Plan Adjustment Fee
Physical Exam Fee
Returned Check Fee
Vehicle Registration Fee