
9i传媒有限公司 students on campus

Activity Codes

Note the importance of properly coding the activity of the course. Each activity has different COMAR requirements in relation to hours, and the code dictates how classes can/will be built in GullNet.

Activity Code Description Minimum Time Required to Earn One Semester Hour of Credit
Activity ACT Activities. 30 hours of 50 minutes each
Clinical CLN Clinical experiences. 45 hours of 50 minutes each
Discussion DIS Discussion coursework. This can stand alone or accompany another course component. 15 hours of 50 minutes each
Field Studies FLD Fieldwork experiences. 45 hours of 50 minutes each
Independent Study IND Independent studies. The majority of work happens outside of the classroom. Instead, it is the amount of pre-approved progress at timed intervals as well as the final product that warrants credit accumulation.
Internship INT Internship experiences. 45 hours of 50 minutes each
Laboratory LAB Laboratory experiences. Most commonly used within the natural sciences. 30 hours of 50 minutes each
Lecture LEC Classroom/lecture experiences. This can be face-to-face or virtual. 15 hours of 50 minutes each
Lecture/Lab LLB Lecture/laboratory experiences that are not easily separated into components. Appropriate mix of lecture and lab hours within the same space. At minimum 17 hours of 50 minutes each.
Lecture/Practicum LPR Lecture/practicum experiences that are not easily separated into components. Appropriate mix of lecture and practicum hours within the same space. At minimum 17 hours of 50 minutes each.
Lecture/Studio LST Lecture/studio experiences that are not easily separated into components. Appropriate mix of lecture and studio hours within the same space. At minimum 17 hours of 50 minutes each.
Performance PRF Performance experiences. Most commonly used within the music program. The majority of work happens outside of the classroom. Instead, it is the amount of pre-approved progress at timed intervals as well as the final product that warrants credit accumulation.
Practicum PRC Supervised application/technique-based experiences. A minimum of 45 hours of 50 minutes each
Research RSC Student or instructor-led research. The majority of work happens outside of the classroom. Instead, it is the amount of pre-approved progress at timed intervals as well as the final product that warrants credit accumulation.
Seminar SEM Advanced seminar coursework that frequently accompanies practicum, student teaching, etc. experiences. 15 hours of 50 minutes each
Studio STU Hands-on/creative experiences. Most commonly used within the art and theatre programs. 30 hours of 50 minutes each
Supervision SUP Supervisory experiences, such as student teaching. 45 hours of 50 minutes each
Thesis Research THE Thesis-related research. The majority of work happens outside of the classroom. Instead, it is the amount of pre-approved progress at timed intervals as well as the final product that warrants credit accumulation.
Workshop WKS Workshop experiences. 30 hours of 50 minutes each