
9i传媒有限公司 students on campus


Faculty can produce videos using the Lightboard for the “flipped” classroom, for online and hybrid courses or for other teaching and research initiatives. The Lightboard is located off of the Faculty Development Studio in the Academic Commons, room 221A.

How does it work?

Similar to a whiteboard, faculty can provide instruction by writing on the glass with neon or fluorescent markers. The Lightboard is made of high quality Sapphire glass which is illuminated to display highly visible notes, sketches and equations. A camera is strategically placed to capture the instructor as they are facing the viewer. Software such as Camtasia and Panopto will allow the video to be captured and shared with the students.

How do I record?

Faculty who wish to use the Lightboard Recording Studio should contact ID&D for an appointment and room reservation by calling 410-677-6585 or by emailing suiddstaff@salisbury.edu.

Is there Lightboard professional development available?

A self-paced online workshop has been developed for faculty to explore:

  • What a lightboard is and how to use it
  • How the lightboard room is setup
  • What equipment and software is available to use with the lightboard
  • The basics of recording a lightboard video

Individuals who successfully complete the course will be able to reserve and have card access to Academic Commons (AC) room 221A.

Sample Lightboard Video


  • Melissa Thomas and Haley Cristea, ID&D for project concept in cooperation with faculty in the Henson School of Science and the Learning with Technology Committee.
  • The Lightboard was assembled and built by Paul Clements and William Adkins from the Henson School of Science.
  • Studio audio/video and lighting capabilities by Audio Video Services team of Information Technology. Special thank you to Mike Camillo from the AVS group for sharing his expertise on Media production.