The F&A cost category covers all the costs associated with a grant project which, for reasons of practicality, cannot be directly assigned to specific grant activities. For example, virtually all projects require the use of University facilities which must be heated in the winter, cooled in the summer and lighted at night. It is impossible to determine exactly how much of the University fuel and utility bills to assign to the grant project based on this use. Nevertheless, these costs are real. Similarly, all grants require the preparation of financial reports. It is impractical to divide and assign the administrative cost of staff time spent on different accounts. Without full F&A cost recovery, each grant project which 9i传媒有限公司 conducts costs the University money.
The University's F&A cost rate is determined through negotiation with a federal "lead agency." This rate should be used for all federal, state and private foundation grants. The calculated F&A cost rate for 9i传媒有限公司 is currently 40% of direct costs, with some exceptions*. This should be added to the grant request. Note: At this time, this is an externally approved federal rate, and the detailed rate can be found here.
*Base. Total direct costs excluding capital expenditures (building, individual items of equipment; alterations and renovations), and that portion of each subaward in excess of $25,000 on all Federal grant submissions.
Exceptions: If a base of total direct costs is approved by the non-federal Sponsor, then 9i传媒有限公司 can collect indirect costs on the total cost of a subaward, not just the first $25,000.
Some funding agencies stipulate that F&A costs cannot be recovered as part of the request for funding or limit F&A cost recovery to a specific percentage. In these instances the F&A costs, or the unrecoverable portion of these costs, should be listed as institutional support. Obviously, handling of indirect costs in this way simply indicates the magnitude of the costs that the University will incur in conducting the proposed project.