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Research Funding and Opportunities

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  • [+]
    Fulton School of Liberal Arts
    Fulton Student Research Grants Committee
    $500 per student

    School - Fulton School of Liberal Arts

    Grant Name - Fulton Student Research Grants Committee

    Grant Award - $500 cap per student in academic year; if multiple students plan to request fund to present at the same conference or participate in the same project, they are strongly encouraged to submit a single proposal as a group. For example, a group of four students could apply for up to $2,000 ($500 for each member of the group)

    Eligibility - All full-time undergraduate students mentored by a member of the Fulton School faculty are eligible. Also, proposals involving human subjects or live animals must be approved by the University's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee or Committee on Human Research before the grant application is submitted.

    Requirements - Grants may be requested for the following expenses: 1. Equipment and supplies (e.g. software, tools, etc.) directly related to your research. Purchased items will be assigned to the University at the end of the project. 2. Travel to present research, academic or artistic projects at professional meetings or exhibitions including participation panels and performances. 3. photocopying, photography, recordings and preparation of posters, slides or overheads for your presentation.

    Deadlines - 11/15, 2/15, 4/15; submit application, cover sheet and budget spreadsheet electronically by 5 p.m.

    Contact Person(s) - Donna Carey
    URL - salisbury.edu/academic-offices/liberal-arts/for-students/student-grants.aspx

  • [+]
    Henson School of Science & Technology
    Henson Student Research Grant
    Cannot cumulatively exceed $350 per student.
    Lisa Ball

    School - Henson School of Science & Technology

    Grant Name - Henson Student Research Grant

    Grant Award - $500 cap per student in academic year; if multiple students plan to request fund to present at the same conference or participate in the same project, they are strongly encouraged to submit a single proposal as a group. For example, a group of four students could apply for up to $2,000 ($500 for each member of the group)

    Eligibility - All full-time undergraduate students mentored by a member of the Henson School faculty are eligible. Also, proposals involving human subjects or live animals must be approved by the University's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee or Committee on Human Research before the grant application is submitted.

    Requirements - Grants may be requested for the following expenses: 1. Equipment and supplies (e.g. software, tools, etc.) directly related to your research. Purchased items will be assigned to the University at the end of the project. 2. Travel to present research, academic or artistic projects at professional meetings or exhibitions including participation panels and performances. 3. photocopying, photography, recordings and preparation of posters, slides or overheads for your presentation.

    Deadlines - 9/24; submit application, cover sheet and budget spreadsheet electronically by 5 p.m.

    Contact Person(s) - Lisa Ball
    URL - - salisbury.edu/academic-offices/science-and-technology/about/

  • [+]
    Perdue School of Business
    Small Business Development Center (SBDC) "Invest in my Idea" Poster Competition
    15 winners will move on to the "Gull Cage" from this event
    John Hickman
    Dr. Leonard Arvi

    School - Perdue School of Business

    Grant Name - Small Business Development Center (SBDC) "Invest in my Idea" Poster Competition

    Grant Award - $500 cap per student in academic year; if multiple students plan to request fund to present at the same conference or participate in the same project, they are strongly encouraged to submit a single proposal as a group. For example, a group of four students could apply for up to $2,000 ($500 for each member of the group)

    Eligibility - All full-time undergraduate students mentored by a member of the Perdue School faculty are eligible. Also, proposals involving human subjects or live animals must be approved by the University's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee or Committee on Human Research before the grant application is submitted.

    Requirements - Grants may be requested for the following expenses: 1. Equipment and supplies (e.g. software, tools, etc.) directly related to your research. Purchased items will be assigned to the University at the end of the project. 2. Travel to present research, academic or artistic projects at professional meetings or exhibitions including participation panels and performances. 3. photocopying, photography, recordings and preparation of posters, slides or overheads for your presentation.

    Deadlines - 11/15, 2/15, 4/15; submit application, cover sheet and budget spreadsheet electronically by 5 p.m.

    Contact Person(s) - John Hickman, Dr. Leonard Arvi
    URL - salisbury.edu/academic-offices/business/about/

  • [+]
    Perdue School of Business
    "Gull Cage" A Shark Tank Competition
    Cash awards to the top four winners
    Julie Gittelman
    David LeBaron

    School - Perdue School of Business

    Grant Name - "Gull Cage" A Shark Tank Competition

    Grant Award - Cash awards to the top 4. 1st Place $4,000, 2nd Place $3000, 3rd Place $2,000 and 4th Place $1,000; finalists move on to the final "Business Plan Competition."

    Eligibility - Must be one of the 15 winners in the "Invest in my Idea" poster competition that advance to this round.

    Requirements - Students will have five minutes to pitch their idea and respond to questions. The pitch should be one minute and include (at minimum): the product or service, the market, how the product or service will make money, your leadership team, and your competition and competitive advantage. The remaining four minutes will be Q&A with you and the Gull Cage judges.

    Deadlines -

    Contact Person(s) - Julie Gittelman, David LeBaron
    URL - salisbury.edu/academic-offices/business/entrepreneurship-competitions/

  • [+]
    Perdue School of Business
    Richard Bernstein Achievement Award for Excellence Business Plan Competition
    Winners receive $10,000
    Bill Burke

    School - Perdue School of Business

    Grant Name - The Richard Bernstein Achievement Award for Excellence Business Plan Competition

    Grant Award - Creator of winning business plan receives $10,000. This will be determined by the judging committee based on their assessment of the quality of the business plan.

    Eligibility - Must be one of the four finalists in the "Gull Cage" event that advance to this round.

    Requirements - Winners from the "Gull Cage" will make 10-minute presentations of their business plan, with 10-minute Q&As with the judges and 10-minute private coaching/feedback session.

    Deadlines -

    Contact Person(s) - Bill Burke
    URL - salisbury.edu/academic-offices/business/entrepreneurship-competitions/

  • [+]
    Seidel School of Education
    Many scholarships and awards available, but are not necessarily related to research activities
    Sara Elburn

    School - Seidel School of Education

    Grant Name - Many scholarships and awards available, but are not necessarily related to research activities

    Contact Person(s) - Dr. Brandy Terrill
    URL - salisbury.edu/academic-offices/education/scholarships.aspx

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    Seidel School of Education
    TEACH (Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education) Grant
    Grant recipients receive $4,000 per year

    School - Seidel School of Education

    Grant Name - TEACH (Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education) Grant

    Grant Award - $4,000 per year, maximum of $16,000 for undergraduate study

    Eligibility - Students must be admitted in the Professional Teacher Education Program to apply for the TEACH grant. The following programs are TEACH grant eligible programs at SU: Secondary Biology, Secondary Chemistry, Secondary French, Secondary Mathematics, Secondary Physics, Secondary Spanish and Undergraduate ESOL. Also, students must meet certain academic achievement requirements (generally, scoring above the 75th percentile on a college admissions test or maintaining a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25).

    Requirements - Must plan to complete coursework that is needed to begin career in teaching, agreeing to serve for at least four years as a full-time, highly qualified teacher in a high-need field, in a school serving low-income students.

    Deadlines -

    Contact Person(s) -
    URL - salisbury.edu/academic-offices/education/teach-grant.aspx

  • [+]
    Seidel School of Education
    Annual Regional Professional Development Schools Conference

    School - Seidel School of Education

    Grant Name - Annual Regional Professional Development Schools Conference

    Contact Person(s) -
    URL - salisbury.edu/academic-offices/education/regional-professional-development-schools/

  • [+]
    Seidel School of Education
    EDUC 695: Gallery Walk

    School - Seidel School of Education

    Grant Name - EDUC 695: Gallery Walk

    Contact Person(s) -
    URL - salisbury.edu/academic-offices/education/scholarships.aspx

  • [+]
    Clarke Honors College: Conferences & Research Funding
    Option 1: Presenting work at an honors conference (MCHC, NRHC, NCHC)
    Andrew Martino

    School - Clarke Honors College: Conferences & Research Funding

    Grant Name - Option 1: Presenting work at an honors conference (MCHC, NRHC, NCHC)

    Eligibility - Must be an honors student enrolled at SU

    Requirements - 1. Complete "Application Cover Sheet" form. 2. Complete "Request for Travel" form that includes the projected cost of attendance (see the Clarke Honors College program management specialist for assistance in completing this request).

    Deadlines - At least one month prior to the event

    Contact Person(s) – Andrew Martino
    URL - salisbury.edu/academic-offices/honors/current-honor-students/apply-for-funding.aspx

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    Clarke Honors College: Conferences & Research Funding
    Option 2: Attending but not presenting at an honors conference (MCHC, NRHC, NCHC)
    Andrew Martino

    School - Clarke Honors College: Conferences & Research Funding

    Grant Name - Option 2: Attending but not presenting at an honors conference (MCHC, NRHC, NCHC)

    Eligibility - Must be an honors student enrolled at SU

    Requirements - 1. Complete "Conference Application Cover Sheet" form. 2. Provide a short letter of support from a faculty mentor for the conference. 3. Complete a "Request for Travel" form (see the Clarke Honors College program management specialist for assistance in completing this request).

    Deadlines - At least one month prior to the event

    Contact Person(s) – Andrew Martino
    URL - salisbury.edu/academic-offices/honors/current-honor-students/apply-for-funding.aspx


  • [+]
    Clarke Honors College: Conferences & Research Funding
    Option 3: Attending a conference that is not an honors conference (NCUR, a disciplinary conference, symposium, etc.)
    Andrew Martino

    School - Clarke Honors College: Conferences & Research Funding

    Grant Name - Option 3: Attending a conference that is not an honors conference (NCUR, a disciplinary conference, symposium, etc.)

    Eligibility - Must be an honors student enrolled at SU

    Requirements - 1. Complete "Conference Application Cover Sheet" form. 2. Provide a copy of the "Call for Papers" from the conference. 3. Provide a copy of your conference proposal or abstract (if applicable). 4. Provide a short letter of support from a faculty mentor for the conference. 5. Complete "Request for Travel" form. 6. Include copies of grant requests from other sources (such as OURCA, funding from one of the four schools, individual department grants, etc.).

    Deadlines - At least one month prior to the event

    Contact Person(s) – Andrew Martino
    URL - salisbury.edu/academic-offices/honors/current-honor-students/apply-for-funding.aspx

  • [+]
    Clarke Honors College: Funding for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity for Honors Students
    Andrew Martino

    School – Clarke Honors College: Funding for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity for Honors Students

    Eligibility - If you are requesting funding from the Clarke Honors College to offset expenses related to undergraduate departmental research, follow the requirements.

    Requirements - 1. Complete "Application form for research funding." 2. Complete a short essay detailing the scope and rationale for your research. 3. Provide a written endorsement from a sponsoring faculty member. 4. Provide evidence that demonstrates that you have sought funding from additional resources outside of the Clarke Honors College.

    Deadlines -

    Contact Person(s) – Andrew Martino
    URL - salisbury.edu/academic-offices/honors/current-honor-students/apply-for-funding.aspx

  • [+]
    All Programs: Funding for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities 
    USARA (University Student Academic Research Awards)
    Up to $400, awarded twice during each academic year.
    Donna Knopf

    School - All Programs: Funding for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities 

    Grant Name - USARA (University Student Academic Research Awards)

    Grant Award - Up to $400, awarded twice during each academic year.

    Eligibility - Students must have a declared major and be enrolled as a full-time or part-time student during the projects duration. A student may only be funded twice in their academic career.

    Requirements - Grants may be requested for the following expenses: A. Equipment and supplies; B. Travel to present research or academic projects at professional meetings.

    Deadlines – Mid-September TBA

    Contact Person(s) - Donna Knopf
    URL - salisbury.edu/administration/academic-affairs/graduate-studies-and-research/ourca/research-funding/usara.aspx

  • [+]
    All Programs: Pre-Award Databases for finding funding opportunities to match one's research interests:
    SPIN (Sponsored Programs Information Network)
    Beth Walsh

    School - All Programs: Pre-Award Databases for finding funding opportunities to match one's research interests:

    Grant Name - SPIN (Sponsored Programs Information Network)

    Grant Award - Provides up-to-date information on current national and international government and private funding sources, including fellowships, research grants, publication support, sabbatical support, curriculum development and more.

    Contact Person(s) - Beth Walsh

  • [+]
    All Programs: Pre-Award Databases for finding funding opportunities to match one's research interests
    GENIUS (Global Expertise Network for Industry, Universities and Scholars)
    Beth Walsh

    School - All Programs: Pre-Award Databases for finding funding opportunities to match one's research interests

    Grant Name - GENIUS (Global Expertise Network for Industry, Universities and Scholars)

    Grant Award - GENIUS is a web-based database containing profiles of scholars and researchers at leading universities and research institutions throughout the world.

    Contact Person(s) - Beth Walsh

  • [+]
    All Programs: Pre-Award Databases for finding funding opportunities to match one's research interests
    SMARTS (SPIN Matching and Researcher Transmittal System)
    Beth Walsh

    School – All Programs: Pre-Award Databases for finding funding opportunities to match one's research interests

    Grant Name - SMARTS (SPIN Matching and Researcher Transmittal System)

    Grant Award - SMARTS is an automated daily alerts system that notifies investigators of relevant new programs that match their GENIUS profiles. SMARTS pushes relevant funding opportunities to users, saving them precious time and effort, while ensuring they are kept abreast of the latest programs in their areas of interest.

    Contact Person(s) - Beth Walsh