
9i传媒有限公司 students on campus

Guide to Academic Success: Post-Spring Break

You just got done your Spring Break. We hope you had fun but it is time to get back to business. A lot of students get comfortable (lazy) when it comes to their classes after returning from spring break. It is easy to let all the hard work you put in before break be wasted if you start slacking now. If you aren’t doing great in a class don’t pack it in, there is still time to improve (7 weeks!). Evaluate where you are and what you have left to do in each of your classes. Make a plan and follow through.

Finish The Semester Strong!

For each of your classes answer the following questions and make a plan for a successful finish:

  • What is my current grade? (know where you are, communicate with your instructor)
  • How many assignments do I have left to complete? (look @ your syllabus)
  • How much is each assignment worth? (prioritize)
  • How many absences do I have at this point? (can you afford anymore?)
  • Are there any opportunities for extra credit? (take advantage of it!)
  • Are there any projects I should be starting now? (don’t procrastinate)
  • What kind of final exam will there be…cumulative? (it’s never too early to start preparing/reviewing)
  • Can I make up or re-summit any assignments? (it can’t hurt to ask)
  • What is my goal for each class…A, B, C? (be realistic and honest with yourself)