All numbers in the United States have a three digit area code number, and a seven digit number. To call a long distance number, dial 1+area code+seven digit number. If you are calling from campus, dial 9+1+area code+seven digit number. SU has an internal telephone system. If you are calling another office or room ON CAMPUS, you only need to dial the last five digits of the seven digit number (each building on campus is equipped with pay phones as well as on-campus phones that do not require depositing money).
Coin operated telephones cost 35 cents per local call. There are some numbers that can be reached without depositing money. These are:
- (0) - operator, who can help make connections and answer questions,
- (911) - emergency,
- (411) - directory assistance for local calls only,
- (800) - all 800 numbers are toll free numbers.
There are several companies specializing in long distance and international calls. These companies offer a variety of services and should be picked by students based on individual needs. After establishing an account, the company will issue a calling card and an access number for each customer; bills are issued on a monthly basis.
Telephone books are very important sources of information, and are usually divided into four parts: residential numbers (white), government numbers (blue), business numbers ("white pages") and business numbers with advertisements included ("yellow pages"). Telephone books are widely available, and provide other important information, such as area codes for the United States, time zones, directions for international calls, information on telephone companies, etc.
Students living on campus must take the responsibility of establishing an account with the Cashier's office, where they will receive a PIN number upon depositing a minimum of $25. Misuse of the telephone will result in disciplinary action, so you should not give your PIN number to anyone else.
It is generally appropriate to call someone at home between 10:00 am and 9:00 pm. If you are using someone else's phone to make a call, it is polite to ask for permission first, especially before calling any long distance numbers.