he Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Educational Leadership Program is a professional degree program designed to prepare educational leaders. The curriculum emphasizes both theory and practice in the preparation of administrators and supervisors.
9i传媒有限公司’s program is based upon a carefully planned knowledge base and a well-defined philosophy. Graduates of this program should possess the vision, knowledge and skills necessary to promote excellence and high achievement in the schools. Graduates should be informed practitioners, possessing a full understanding of the theories that guide practice in school administration. Most importantly, they should demonstrate competence and skill as they apply knowledge to practice in educational organizations. Our graduates should respect the individual worth of all persons and appreciate the role of education in society.
Candidates in the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership Program have the opportunity to read, study and discuss a wide range of theories and ideas related to school administration. They have many opportunities to explore ideas through research and study, as well as actual and simulated experiences in practicing the skills of school administration. They should be actively involved in acquiring an understanding of the theories and practice of educational administration through a variety of teaching and learning experiences. The role of the University in preparing educational leaders extends beyond the boundaries of the campus. The University reaches out to the community to establish positive working relationships with other educational organizations. Cooperation between the University and the schools is essential as candidates are prepared as school administrators. Finally, an ongoing association between the University and its graduates is essential as we work to meet the present and future needs of education in our community.
Objectives of the program are as follows:
- Provide educators opportunities for professional development and to extend their knowledge and skills into the realms of leadership in curriculum, instruction and decision making as well as the management of resources.
- Provide training for potential school administrators and supervisors that will emphasize the development of skillful professional performance.
- Provide academic preparation for candidates who seek certification in school administration or supervision and/or career advancement.
- Provide educational leaders with skills in the use of technology to make and implement informed decisions.
- Provide an opportunity for candidates to learn within the environment of an educational cohort that will encourage collegiality and professional cooperation.
Admission to the Master of Education in Educational Leadership Program at SU requires an application for graduate program admission; the application fee; official transcript from all colleges and universities attended; if applying for in-state tuition, a Residency/Domicile Information Form; and the following additional application documents and requirements specified by the Education Specialties Department:
- Submit three letters of recommendation from qualified individuals who support the candidate’s ability for graduate study in educational administration and supervision.
- Provide evidence of at least two years (18 months) of satisfactory teaching performance.
- Possess an undergraduate grade point average of 3.0.
- Meet with a faculty member in the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership Program to discuss professional goals and career objectives.
Program of Study
Following admission to the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership Program, and prior to registration for classes, students are expected to become familiar with program requirements and to confer with the assigned faculty advisor to develop a program of study.
Course Requirements
Candidates in the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership Program complete an approved program of study including at least 33 semester hours of graduate credit (a minimum of 24 hours completed at SU) with a cumulative average of 3.0 or higher, with no grade lower than C, and no more than six credit hours of C or C+ in the program.
The M.Ed. in Educational Leadership Program is an AAQEP and Maryland State Department of Education approved program leading to the Administrator I certificate. Candidates who complete the M.Ed. in educational leadership and who meet the requirement of 27 months of satisfactory teaching performance will be eligible for the Administrator I certificate. However, it is the responsibility of the candidate to understand and fulfill all state requirements and to make application to the state for certification. Candidates in states other than Maryland should consult with their state Department of Education to determine specific certification requirements.
Candidates in the M.Ed. in educational leadership cohort take courses in the following sequence:
- EDLD 510 Educational Leadership and Technology
- EDLD 512 Educational Research and Educational Leadership
- EDLD 514 Aligning Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
- EDLD 516 P-12 School Administration
- EDLD 517 Supervision to Improve Instruction
- EDLD 550 Leadership and Change
- EDLD 552 Diversity and Group Dynamics in Educational Leadership
- EDLD 555 Public School Fiscal and Human Resource Management
- EDLD 656 Educational Leadership Internship/Issues Analysis
- EDUC 619 The Law and Public Education
Entrance into Educational Leadership Internship
Prior to enrolling in EDLD 656: Educational Leadership/Issues Analysis each candidate must complete all prerequisite courses with an overall grade point average of 3.0 or better and successfully earn a passing grade on each of the four questions on the Comprehensive Qualifying Exam. In the event that a candidate does not pass each individual question upon his or her first attempt at taking the Comprehensive Qualifying Exam, the candidate may re-take unsuccessful question areas a second time.
School Leaders Licensure Assessment
Each candidate must take the School Leaders Licensure Assessment and report his or her score to 9i传媒有限公司 prior to program completion. It is recommended that candidates take the exam prior to the completion of EDLD 656. All work toward the Master of Education in educational leadership must be completed within seven calendar years from the end of the semester or summer tern in which such work began. Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0. Reporting of the School Leaders Licensure Assessment is required prior to the completion of the Master of Education Program. Satisfactory completion of this program and 27 months of satisfactory teaching experience are required for eligibility for Maryland Administrator I certification. Certification regulations may be changed by the State of Maryland.
Register for the exam through Educational Testing Services' website.
Dr. Edna May Merson Scholarship
The Council of Educational Administrative and Supervisory Organizations of Maryland (CEASOM) presents the the Dr. Edna May Merson Scholarship. The goal of the scholarship Fund of the Council of Educational Administrative and Supervisory Organizations of Maryland is to encourage and provide support for individuals working toward an Administrator I Certificate. This year two scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $1,000 will be awarded to an educator pursuing this certificate at an institution of higher education. For additional scholarship information visit CEASOM.