
Elementary Education major working with two children
Great Teachers Made Here

Early and Elementary Education

The Department of Early and Elementary Education offers a Bachelor of Science in elementary education (grades 1-6) and early childhood education (Pre-K-grade 3), as well as a dual certification in elementary and early childhood education. Programs are accredited by the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) and the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). Faculty advisors work with you to develop a plan that meets your needs and that prepares you to become eligible for a teaching certificate.

Explore Your Options

You will find that faculty in the Department of Early and Elementary Education are a creative, enthusiastic, and talented group of educators. Members of our faculty have won recognition regionally and nationally, including a Fulbright Scholar, a Maryland Regents Award Winner and Maryland Professor of the Year!

Our faculty are engaged in local Professional Development Schools, working closely with prospective candidates and interns. Several faculty members sponsor international courses that include locations such as New Zealand, Australia and Italy. We have also created collaborative programs that provide international sites for student interns, such as New Zealand. The integration of new technologies for teaching, including the use of mobile devices, interactive boards, Web-based learning, is a department priority among faculty. We invite you to explore these exciting opportunities as you prepare to teach in the 21st century!

Meet the Early and Elementary Education Department faculty and staff.

Improving literacy through cultural competence is one of our main goal, but we also want to plant the idea of ‘college’ in students’ minds.
Dr. Althea Pennerman Early and Elementary Education Department Faculty

Celebrate Excellence

Many learning opportunities are available to teacher candidates. Some of these include membership in the Living Learning Community, Education Club and Kappa Delta Pi, organizations for education majors. The Riall Lecture Series invites nationally known researchers to speak on current educational topics each semester. The annual Children's Literature Conference hosts award-winning authors and illustrators of regional and international children’s books. In addition, there are numerous scholarship opportunities available for teacher candidates.

We believe that teacher candidates must be informed decision-makers and reflective practitioners. We invite you to celebrate diversity and to develop a passion for exciting students about learning. We expect you to be committed to excellence in your own scholarship.

International Literacy Association (ILA) Recognition

ILA Teacher Prep Recognition BadgeThe Elementary Education program has been recognized by the International Literacy Association (ILA) for its outstanding preparation of literacy professionals. 9i传媒有限公司 is one of few that have received this recognition at the undergraduate level.

Major-Specific Information

Department Information

  • 2 Programs of Study
  • 2 Annual Riall Education Lectures
  • 5 National NAPDS Honors

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